Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday are usually the cheapest for the U.S. and it’s always best to book the flight at least 70 days in advance for the best deals.
Yes to both. Travel medical insurance provides coverage for medical emergencies and evacuations. Travel insurance is always best to have because its meant to protect you against unforeseen travel misfortunes.
Come up with a budget, Start saving money, Organize your finances, Health & safety, Eliminating debt, and Plan ahead.
Be flexible on dates and days of the week, Using destination search engines, Create fare alerts to keep you updated on discounts.
Grow your social media, Networking, A good SEO plugin, Need incoming links, Don’t expect a quick get rich scheme as this takes time.
Work remotely, Freelance on the road, Teach English, Holiday visas, or work as a flight attendant.
Set up hosting for your blog, Install WordPress, Buy a theme, and create the website, Design your logo, and make sure to install essential plugins.
No, if there is a will then there is a way. The main thing to remember is to always keep an open mind. Building and managing a blog takes a lot of research, learning, and patience.
We travel as often as possible. But we’ve made it a goal to start traveling more and even decided to take a year to travel abroad while working remotely.
I think mainly for us the reason why we wanted to start a travel blog is because we both love traveling. We both are filled with passion and eagerness to explore the world and learn about many different cultures.
Yes, France and Australia
We did.
We currently reside in Daytona Beach, FL.